reiki trainings
“The attunement to reiki starts a process that continues throughout life: a process of slowly raising awareness of our own life purpose, of what we are here to achieve and how we can achieve it. Reiki works as a catalyst for change, bringing to the surface those aspects of life that are blocking our spiritual progress.”
-Penelope Quest
Do you have an interest in personal growth, self-healing, or metaphysics?
Learning reiki is one of the most liberating and empowering things you will ever do for yourself.
The whole system of Reiki is not just about hands-on healing for others; the true aim of the system of Reiki is rediscovering our True Self.
Reiki at its core is about self-empowerment.
Using it as medicine, to allow you to naturally shift out of your physical/mental/emotional/spiritual blocks and states.
Ways Learning Reiki Can Benefit You
Learn a self-healing ritual Get attuned to Reiki which gives you the ability to channel the flow of energy through your hands. You can give Reiki to you, your loved ones and pets.
Strengthen your own intuition Open your energy channels allowing you to connect deeper to the universal life force energy and your own inner guidance.
Explore your energy systems Discover the energy systems within your body. Get to know the chakras, and their individual symbols, attributes, benefits, and how they may affect you.
Discover the gift in energy, and the answers within your energy body through participating in a reiki training!
The attunement process helps you raise above your current state.
Using it as medicine, to allow you to naturally shift out of your physical/mental/emotional/spiritual blocks and states.
The attunement process forces you into alignment with the true north of your soul.
This is the power of energy.
As soon as I received my third and final attunement in Reiki Masters Level, I had never felt more ME. No masks. The feeling was locked in and instant!! That feeling is worth it’s weight in gold.
Learn to become independent in your own energetic healing practice. The Usui System of Reiki ~ Level I/Shoden course offers an opportunity to learn and strengthen your own intuition, innate healing capacity, and ability to hold space for self-healing.
During this detailed course we will cover; an in-depth understanding of your Reiki lineage, what Reiki is and how it works, Learn self-healing practise and give Reiki to your loved ones + pets, how to hold space for healing, a detailed explanation of the chakras + energy systems.
In addition, you will receive; your Level I/Shoden attunement - (a transformative experience, involving deep cleansing of the energy body + a recalibration of your energetic field, attuning and enabling you to sense the subtleties of channeling energy) and a thorough take-home manual and guide book for future reference.
This training is a unique opportunity to connect with other like-minded souls and to develop a spiritual community. In addition to the 8 hours, you will spend in a formal training setting, you will also receive ongoing support 1:1 guidance.
Undertake Reiki Level 2 training to advance your energetic healing skills and become a qualified Reiki professional practitioner. The Usui System of Reiki ~ Level 2/Okuden course offers an opportunity to learn and strengthen your own intuition, innate healing capacity, and ability to hold space for healing others.
Over the course of this in-depth training, you will receive; your Level 2/Okuden attunement, learn and receive three symbols, develop a thorough understanding of how to hold space for healing for others, skills in protecting yourself energetically, introduction to shadow work, and a detailed take-home manual and guide book for future reference.
This training is designed to initiate you into the role of a professional Reiki Practitioner and is also absolutely ideal for people who only wish to advance their own energetic body knowledge and subtle energetic senses.
Eligibility: You must be Level 1 qualified before undertaking Level 2 training (there is no minimum wait time required between levels 1 & 2)
Reiki Masters is a six month journey.
Spaced out and delivered in a slow drip format for full integration and preparation for all that is uncovered within you during this journey.
When Reiki calls you to explore the gift of the Master your whole being feels humbled by the sacred path you’re about to embark on. You will gain a deep understanding of how to heal on a soul level.
It is the ultimate transformation of self. Personally, as soon as received my third and final Masters attunement - I instantly never felt more ME.
Previously taught to those only wishing to step into the teaching role of Reiki, I deeply believe it is here and available to anyone wishing to tap more deeply into themselves, or continue their study of Reiki.
You will review levels 1 & 2, harness more of your own unique gifts, learn how to teach each level and what must be covered, receive Reiki Masters level symbols, receive final Masters attunement, learn how to receive and give attunements for each level, guidance on becoming a teacher and ethical practice, ample opportunity to practice on another person, and qualified to teach reiki trainings.
Eligibility: You must be Level 1 & 2 qualified before undertaking Masters training
How Reiki Helped me…
Reiki transformed my entire life.
My self-confidence was so low that I didn’t think I deserved anything better. Little did I know Reiki would bring me back to myself, to a place of authenticity, love, and self-acceptance. Reiki is a life-changing tool that harmonises your life and energy field.
It has unlocked so much for me and pushed me towards a life worth living! The benefits Reiki brings you isn’t just in your meditation practice or healing place. It has opened doors for me in career, helped me discover a fulfilling relationship, take my power back, health ailments have disappeared, turned self-sabotaging behaviours into self-love and acceptance, and been a continuous part of my manifesting journey.
In just a few minutes of channeling Reiki Life force energy, you can:
- Balance your chakras
- Clear anxiety and worry
- Develop your intuition
- Overcome fear and self-doubt
You can develop a beautiful self-healing practice, and also give reiki to your loved ones. If you are someone who loves to give and make people feel special, you will adore this ability!
What people are saying..
"I knew that reiki could help me make the changes I wanted and understand that everything I needed - was within myself. However, I didn’t realise the full effect it would have on me! I’ve seen Laura for reiki for ages (since she started actually) and I just knew she was the one to teach me what I needed. I decided finally to do Level One for my kids and to benefit them."
"Literally life changing. During my attunement I felt my whole internal world shift. Ever since then things have been changing and getting better! I feel more resilient. I am seeking less external input and validation. The whole weekend was calming. The environment that Laura creates is so warm and cosy that you have no choice but to open up and receive what you need. I would absolutely recommend."
"Since having my first reiki attunement I’ve felt more connected with my body. Lots of synchronicities happening around me, and I feel like it has opened up a door for me. Reiki has cracked me open and helped me feel more aligned with who it is that I am, what it is that I’m supposed to do and where my soul and purpose is leading me."
Upcoming Reiki Trainings
Reiki Level One
October 19th & 20th
November 30th & 1stSAT & SUN
10:00am - 4:30pm
$400.00 AUSD -
Reiki Level Two
August 10th & 11th
November 2nd & 3rd
10:00am - 5:00pm
$650.00 AUSD -
Reiki Master
FEB 2025
6 month journey
Last Sunday of each month$1,450